Latest Event

The 157th CGSE Annual General Meeting of Members cum HKPMEX Annual Meeting

The 157th CGSE Annual General Meeting of Members cum HKPMEX Annual Meeting

On June 17, the 157th General Meeting of Members and the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Hong Kong Precious Metals Exchange was held in the trading hall. On the same day, the President & Head of Division executives announced the latest trends in each committees group report. For details, please refer to the "Executive Zone" to view the summary of the report.


SBMA Visit Tour

SBMA Visit Tour

On September 19, 2023, a delegation from the Singapore Precious Metals Market Association visited the Gold and Silver Echange and met and communicated with the head of the Board of Management and Supervisors.


Singapore Bullion Market Association – Asia pacific Precious Metals Conference 2022 (Photos & Presentation)

Announcement on the Launch of GoldZip


The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society (“CGSE”) CEO Mr Brian Fung and CGSE Head of digital Innovation Mr Barry Ip presented “Announcement on the Launch of GoldZip” on the Asia pacific Precious Metals Conference 2022 in Singapore.



Registration and Electoral Office – The 2019 Provisional Registers were published in 1 August 2019.

The provisional register and the cancellation list were published today (August 1) for public inspection until August 25. The Registration and Electoral Office appeals to members of the public to check their latest registration information and check whether they are included in the deregistration list on the "Electoral Information Online Access System" ( The public can also call the Registration and Electoral Office hotline (2891 1001) during office hours to enquire about the above information.
